Vendor Status Note JVNCIAC-P-188

Red Hat Linux カーネルの複数の脆弱性


Red Hat Linux カーネルには、複数の脆弱性があります。


ローカルユーザが root 権限を取得する可能性があります。


Red HatRed Hat Security Advisory RHSA-2005:366
Important: kernel security update

  1. ISS X-Force Database: linux-kernel-ntfs-dos(19232)
    Linux kernel NTFS denial of service
  2. ISS X-Force Database: kernel-netfilter-iptable-bypass(19365)
    Linux Kernel netfilter/iptables module security bypass
  3. ISS X-Force Database: linux-kernel-ppp-dos(19710)
    Linux Kernel PPP server denial of service
  4. ISS X-Force Database: kernel-ext2-information-disclosure(19866)
    Linux Kernel ext2 information disclosure
  5. ISS X-Force Database: linux-ip-packet-dos(17800)
    Linux kernel IP packet denial of service
  6. ISS X-Force Database: linux-proc-bo(19326)
    Linux Kernel locks_read_proc function buffer overflow
  7. ISS X-Force Database: linux-driverscharntty-kernel-memory(19327)
    Linux Kernel drivers/char/n_tty.c kernel memory disclosure
  8. ISS X-Force Database: linux-atmgetaddr(19329)
    Linux Kernel adm_get_addr function vulnerability
  9. ISS X-Force Database: kernel-sysepollwait-bo(19701)
    Linux Kernel 'sys_epoll_wait' function integer overflow
  10. ISS X-Force Database: kernel-loadelflibrary-dos(19867)
    Linux Kernel load_elf_library denial of service
  11. ISS X-Force Database: kernel-bluezsockcreate-integer-underflow(19844)
    Linux Kernel bluez_sock_create function integer underflow
  12. ISS X-Force Database: Linux-radeon-gain-privileges(19324)
    Linux Kernel radeon driver allows elevated privileges
  13. ISS X-Force Database: kernel-iso9660-filesystem(19741)
    Linux Kernel ISO9660 filesystem
  14. ISS X-Force Database: kernel-sysfswritefile-integer-overflow(20076)
    Linux Kernel sysfs_write_file function integer overflow

JPCERT REPORTJPCERT-WR-2005-1701 ( 2005-04-27 )
CIAC BulletinP-188 Security Vulnerabilities Addressed in Red Hat Kernel Update ( 2005-04-20 )
CVE2005-0135 [CVE+]
2005-0207 [CVE+] XF19232
2005-0209 [CVE+] XF19365
2005-0384 [CVE+] XF19710
2005-0400 [CVE+] XF19866
2005-0449 [CVE+] XF17800
2005-0529 [CVE+] XF19326
2005-0530 [CVE+] XF19327
2005-0531 [CVE+] XF19329
2005-0736 [CVE+] XF19701
2005-0749 [CVE+] XF19867
2005-0750 [CVE+] XF19844
2005-0767 [CVE+] XF19324
2005-0815 [CVE+] XF19741
2005-0839 [CVE+]
2005-0867 [CVE+] XF20076
2005-0977 [CVE+]
2005-1041 [CVE+]

登録日17:18 2005/04/29
更新日17:18 2005/04/29

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